Wednesday 18 December 2013

Final title cards

Claire and I have developed our final title cards. We have also chosen the our production company title card/ scene as well. We felt that the title card in a film can have a big impact on the audience and from our research of similar media products we found that if the title cards are interesting and loo professional it makes the trailer look even better.

Like in the video, these title card will not be shown together and will have shots in-between them we have used a slow moving transition across the screen as when the text was still it didn't loom quite so effective. We have also used fades to come in and out of the title cards to give continuity. All the title cards have a red background and have white text, these two colour contrast well as whit stands out on red and they also contrast each other in meaning too. Red usually connotes evil and danger, whereas white connotes innocence and purity.

We do have a couple of changes to make to the final title card as we have changed some of the cast and where we are sourcing our music.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Potential music for trailer

Claire is very skilled on Garageand being a music student so she has manipulated the music a little so that it suited our trailer a little bit more. We felt that before it was a little bit to 'metal' like. Therefore we have cut out the guitar parts and drumming parts.

This is the unsigned music website that we got our music from:\

The composer of this track said that anyone could use but we asked permission anyway and he said that it would be fine to use it in our trailer.

This is the final music:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>

Trailer video

Claire and I have created a the video with the clues on, these clues are set by Davina and are shown to Amelia on her computer. Even though the clues are all shown together in the video, they will be seperate in the trailer.

Friday 13 December 2013


This is all the types of narrative and narrative theories we have studied and how they link to our trailer.

Thursday 12 December 2013


We have organised what the actors are going to wear which represents there character the best. We have decided on the general type of clothes they should wear however we know that they may not be able to wear the exact thing so there may be a few changes in the actual trailer.


This is the storyboard anamatice for our film trailer. We have decided that it may vary it slightly to make up the time for the trailer.