Tuesday 12 November 2013

GCSE Trailer analysis

Me and my partner Claire made a trailer in 2011 for a Horror film called the 'Ghost walk'

Looking back at this trailer now I see so many faults and things we could of changed and I also know the importance of a strong planning and research to produce a good trailer.

When making this trailer we had very little planning before we went and filmed, we had a very weak script and storyboard so a lot was improvised and I think this showed in the trailer. I know know that all this needs to be strong when going to film. We also used our friends as actors, not all of them were comfortable in front of camera and this came across. We also gave very little thought to costume of all the characters.

The range of shots we used were also all very similar and were mainly extreme long shots which was not conventional to horror movies at all. Our filming was also very unsteady and and the pans and tilts were wobbly and didn't flow very well.

However, from doing this trailer as well it has given us more experience and better knowledge of how to film a good trailer. I would rather have made mistakes then and be able to learn from them so we know how to make it better now.

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